Breast Implant

How Long Does Breast Implant Surgery Take?

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If you’re wondering how long breast implant surgery takes, you’ve come to the right place. In this article, you’ll learn about the incisions, recovery time, complications, and recommended aftercare. Once you’ve had your surgery, you can begin to prepare for the new, improved you. Follow the recommendations outlined below to prepare for your procedure. Here’s a quick guide to breast implant surgery.


Recovery time

Following breast implant surgery, most patients are able to resume light daily activities within a week. Bruising and swelling will be gone, and they can even engage in light cardio and weightlifting exercises. However, they should avoid strenuous movements for a couple of weeks. Patients can then slowly resume their normal routines. It is important that breast implant recovery doesn’t interfere with daily activities. This article will outline the recovery time required after breast augmentation surgery.

The recovery period after breast implant surgery will vary from patient to patient. The first few days are the most uncomfortable. Your doctor may prescribe pain medication to help you cope with the discomfort. In rare cases, your surgeon may also recommend using pain pumps or injections. Most women are able to cope with their postoperative discomfort with over-the-counter pain relievers. It will take several weeks before your implants are completely settled. This is normal and should not cause any complications.

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How long does breast implant surgery take? It varies greatly depending on your doctor, but typically the procedure takes about one to three hours. Following breast implant surgery, you will have to rest for a week or two before you can return to work or perform vigorous exercise. The surgical scar will eventually fade away, but for a few weeks, you may be unable to lift heavy objects. You will also be advised not to do any heavy lifting or strenuous activity until the incisions have healed.

The procedure itself is typically more complex than the previous procedures. The silicone implant, for example, is removed along with the capsule and the breast tissue. An additional incision may be necessary to place the new implant. The surgeon may also need to reshape your breast tissue and make a pocket for it inside your chest. The recovery time for this type of procedure tends to be longer than for other types of surgeries, however.


There are several possible complications of breast implant surgery. In addition to scarring and pain, implants can lead to asymmetrical results. Patients who smoke also have a higher risk of poor outcomes. One-third of implant patients will experience pain or asymmetry after surgery. Up to one-third will have ruptured implants. About 60 percent will require repeat surgery. About 300,000 women get breast implants for cosmetic reasons, while around 100,000 will need reconstruction after a mastectomy.

Surgical scarring is the most common of breast implant complications. It occurs when the scar tissue grows too tightly around the implant, preventing it from moving significantly. These complications can lead to additional surgeries or a reduced implant’s size. However, the scar tissue is not permanent, so they are not the only risks associated with this type of surgery. Capsular contracture may cause pain and asymmetry in the breast. Capsular contracture can be treated by performing a procedure called a closed capsulotomy, which tears the scar tissue around the implant. This can help alleviate the tightness around the implant and make it feel soft.


If you are considering a breast augmentation, your healthcare provider will discuss the available implant styles and sizes. They will measure your height and weight and look at your overall body structure. Generally, patients with wider shoulders and hips need larger implants than those with smaller bodies. If your implants look too big, they could even cause health problems. Listed below are the pros and cons of each type of implant. The type of implant you choose will determine the amount of lift you can expect after the surgery.

While undergoing this procedure, you should not wear any underwire bra for at least three weeks. Your plastic surgeon will recommend a surgical bra to keep your skin from sagging, and gentle support will reduce any possible pain and swelling. Your surgeon will also provide you with advice on how to sleep properly and avoid accidents. Make sure to get prescription medications before your procedure and follow the recommended recovery times. You will also need to take antibiotics before and after the surgery.

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The cost of breast implant surgery varies according to the surgeon’s experience and expertise. It also depends on the size and shape of the implant, and whether additional procedures are necessary. Implants can range in price from around $1000 to $2000 per pair. The most expensive implants are known as “gummy bear implants,” which are made from cohesive gel. The price of these implants may be less than the cost of saline implants.

Before deciding on a surgeon, you should discuss with him the type and size of the implants you’d like, as well as their size and surface texture. Additionally, you should discuss with your surgeon whether you’d prefer to place a fat transfer or use a different type of implant. You may also need additional procedures, such as removing your nipples, which will add to the cost. Before choosing a plastic surgeon, make sure to discuss your budget and desired procedure with them.


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